Recalling the Scoreland gig with Cherry Brady

Hey, look who we have here on a SCORELAND FLASHBACK: Cherry on Top, for those feeling a little cheeky. Click here to jump right in. Or better yet, click to get a peek.

In the words of our very own Cherry Brady, “Women are so soft…” She means something different though, not soft as in weak, but as in lovely and gentle. And boy, do we remember when they shot that oil-wrestling video, B.L.O.W! Brady was there, all slicked up with three other girls – Annie Swanson, Brandy Talore and Angela White, their bodies glistening and sliding against each other’s. Such an incredible experience it was! And yes, they were all smooth too if you know what I mean.

“But you know,” Cherry continued, “that doesn’t mean men don’t have their charms.” She playfully admitted she wouldn’t mind a bunch of guys in the mix. Yeah, dicks included, as naughty as that might sound. She explained though it’s not about being better or worse, but different. Indeed, Cherry! If it got you curious, you can check out more of her at SCORELAND.COM!. You’re welcome!

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