Who requires talent when possessing an inviting pussy?

“Singing, dancing or acting aren’t my strong suits, but I believe that’s not a stumbling block if your aim is fame,” voiced Missy. “In the world of stardom, talent seems to be optional. Celebrities lacking in talent are ubiquitous on television screens. Their secret? It’s all about connections and the ‘favors’ they offer them.” she continued with a smirk. Revealing her experiences from an audition she attended with dreams of stardom, Missy confessed her lack of talent. But, she had her own way of turning the tide in her favor. “I offered to be personal with one of them, and I think that tilted the scales in my favor. I won’t deny our encounter went beyond the boundaries of talking, it got physical and I kind of enjoyed it.” Missy added cheekily, “I guess despite my earlier claim of being talentless, I seem to have an uncanny ability to make men happy.”
Missy’s story certainly gives us a different perspective on what it takes to climb the ladder of fame.

Catch More of Missy Mae’s Journey at TNATRYOUTS.COM!

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